84 postsInstalling PHPRedis with PECL/Homebrew
Using date where helpers with Laravel's query builder
Scaffolding Laravel tests
Changing the base URI with Laravel 5.4 testing
Using Laravel (and Laravel Elixir) on Heroku
Speed up your Laravel tests by 70% with this one simple trick
Asserting that an Eloquent model soft deletes
Nested route model binding in Laravel
Testing pages that don't work in Laravel
Runing a single test case in PHPUnit
"Too many connections" using PHPUnit for testing Laravel 5.1
Using Fractal with Laravel and Lumen
Timezones in Lumen
Failing functional tests in Lumen
Using Redis with Lumen
Fun facts about dd()
Bringing the remember() method back to Laravel 5
Catching Laravel 5 exceptions with Sentry (and Raven)
[LogicException] Unable to prepare route for serialization. Uses Closure.
Upgrading to Laravel 5
Handling forbidden form requests in Laravel 5
Using unique rule IDs in Laravel FormRequests
Adding a helpers file in Laravel 5
Redirects with Laravel FormRequests
UrlRoutable in Laravel 5
Redirect trailing slashes in Laravel 5
Laravel splat routes
Dependency injection in Laravel commands
Laravel controller testing with TestDummy 2
InvalidArgumentException: Cannot redirect to an empty URL in Laravel
Customising Laravel error pages
New Blade syntax in Laravel 5.0
Benchmarking tests in Homestead
Testing with Laravel route filters
Eloquent model events only trigger once in tests
Testing Laravel with PHPUnit
Laravel migrate and seed in one command
Getting started with Laravel on AWS
Partial conventions in Laravel
Named route conventions in Laravel
Skipping controller filters in Laravel 4
CSRF protection on POST, PATCH, PUT and DELETE request in Laravel
Easily using environment variables with Laravel
Model binding with Laravel resources
Using Sentry for log tracking with Laravel
Laravel's new @forelse construct
Laravel package config/assets with PSR-4
Model validation in Laravel using traits
Dynamic where clauses and find methods in Eloquent (Laravel 4)
Simple Laravel 4 model auto-validation
Custom targeting with DoubleClick (DFP)
Consistent caching in Laravel
Google Sitemaps with Laravel 4
Laravel 4 on AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Getting current routes, controllers and action names in Laravel 4
Managing memory issues in Laravel 4 with large queries
Autologin package for Laravel 4
Disabling just created_at or updated_at in a Laravel model
Daily log files in Laravel 4
Laravel 4: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method Illuminate\Foundation\Application::registerCoreContainerAliases()
Laravel 4 intended redirect with named route
Laravel 4 Model Validation Trait
Laravel 4.1 Blade "if isset" shorthand
New collection methods in Laravel 4.1
Route::currentRouteName() in Laravel 4.1
Laravel 4.1 upgrade guide
Greater than and less than validation in Laravel 4
Getting "time ago" from an Eloquent model
Merging, diffing and intersecting Eloquent collections
Diffing Eloquent collections in Laravel 4
@each in Laravel Blade
Using lists() in Laravel with custom attribute accessors
A different kind of asset pipeline for Laravel
Handy Laravel Redirect methods
Handy Laravel select helpers for ranges, years and months
Composer update in Laravel with services providers
Getting the controller and action in Laravel 4
Laravel redirect to intended location after login
Laravel 4 requires PHP 5.3+
Timezones in Laravel 4
CodeIgniter Bcrypt Library
CodeIgniter Breadcrumb Library
Why Laravel?
A blog about Laravel & Rails by Dwight Watson;
- building Roomies, myInspections & High School Notes.
- previously myRent & Flatmates.